Cryptography functions


Returns a block_size long random hexadecimal string

Parameters:bloc_size (int) – the size in bye of the random string.
Returns str rand_str:
 the random hexadecimal string.
ISO_9797_M1_Padding_left(data, bloc_size=8)

Performs a ISO_9797_M1 Padding by left. This padding is done in the following way: before the original data null bytes is added in order for the whole block to have a length in bytes that is a multiple of bloc_size If original data length is already a multiple of bloc_size, no padding is needed

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to pad.
  • bloc_size (int) – the block size modulus
Returns str data_pad:

the padded data.

ISO_9797_M1_Padding(data, bloc_size=8)

Performs a ISO_9797_M1 Padding. This padding is done in the following way: after the original data null bytes is added in order for the whole block to have a length in bytes that is a multiple of bloc_size If original data length is already a multiple of bloc_size, no padding is needed

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to pad.
  • bloc_size (int) – the block size modulus
Returns str data_pad:

the padded data.

ISO_9797_M2_Padding_left(data, bloc_size=8)

Performs a ISO_9797_M2 Padding by left. This padding is done in the following way: before the original data a byte ‘80’ is added in order for the whole block to have a length in bytes that is a multiple of bloc_size If original data length is already a multiple of bloc_size, no padding is needed

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to pad.
  • bloc_size (int) – the block size modulus
Returns str data_pad:

the padded data.

ISO_9797_M2_Padding(data, bloc_size=8)

Performs a ISO_9797_M2 Padding. This padding is done in the following way: after the original data a byte ‘80’ and then null bytes are added. Then, in order for the whole block to have a length in bytes that is a multiple of bloc_size, null bytes can be added (byte ‘80’ and null bytes are optional and not present in case the length is already a multiple of bloc_size)

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to pad.
  • bloc_size (int) – the block size modulus
Returns str data_pad:

the padded data.


Remove a ISO_9797_M2 Padding from an hexadecimal string .

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to unpad.
  • bloc_size (int) – the block size modulus
Returns str data_pad:

the unpadded data.

RSA_PKCS_1_Padding(data, key_size=1024)

Performs a PKCS_1 Padding use to sign data with a RSA Private Key. The generated block of data is:

Leading Block Type Padding Data
00 01 | FF…FF 00 D
  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to pad.
  • key_size (int) – the RSA key size that will be used to sign data.
Returns str padded_data:

the data padded

DES_CBC(data, key, iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a DES CBC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

DES_INV_CBC(data, key, iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a DES-1 CBC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to decipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the deciphered data.

DES_ECB(data, key)

Performs a DES ECB on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

DES_INV_ECB(data, key)

Performs a DES-1 ECB on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to decipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the deciphered data.

DES3_CBC(data, key, iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a 3DES CBC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

DES3_INV_CBC(data, key, iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a 3DES-1 CBC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to decipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the deciphered data.

DES3_ECB(data, key)

Performs a 3DES ECB on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

DES3_INV_ECB(data, key)

Performs a 3DES-1 ECB on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

AES_CMAC(data, key)

Performs a AES CMAC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

AES_ECB(data, key)

Performs a AES ECB on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

AES_CBC(data, key, iv='00000000000000000000000000000000')

Performs a AES CBC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to cipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (00000000000000000000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the ciphered data.

AES_INV_ECB(data, key)

Performs a AES-1 ECB on the hexadecimal string using the specified key

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to decipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
Returns str data_ret:

the deciphered data.

AES_INV_CBC(data, key, iv='00000000000000000000000000000000')

Performs a AES-1 CBC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to decipher.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (00000000000000000000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the deciphered data.

MAC33(data, key, iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a MAC33 on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to mac.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the MAC33 of the data.

MAC3(data, key, padding='ISO_9797_M2', iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a MAC3 on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to mac.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • padding (str) – the padding method to use. Could be ISO_9797_M1, ISO_9797_M2 (default), None
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the MAC3 of the data.

MAC(data, key, iv='0000000000000000')

Performs a MAC on the hexadecimal string using the specified key and the specified initial vector

  • data (str) – Hexadecimal string to mac.
  • key (str) – the key to use
  • iv (str) – the initial vector (0000000000000000 by default)
Returns str data_ret:

the MAC of the data.


Performs the SHA-1 algorithm on hexadecimal data

Parameters:data (str) – Hexadecimal string.
Returns str data_ret:
 the hash data.

Performs the SHA-224 algorithm on hexadecimal data

Parameters:data (str) – Hexadecimal string.
Returns str data_ret:
 the hash data.

Performs the SHA-256 algorithm on hexadecimal data

Parameters:data (str) – Hexadecimal string.
Returns str data_ret:
 the hash data.

Performs the SHA-384 algorithm on hexadecimal data

Parameters:data (str) – Hexadecimal string.
Returns str data_ret:
 the hash data.

Performs the SHA-512 algorithm on hexadecimal data

Parameters:data (str) – Hexadecimal string.
Returns str data_ret:
 the hash data.

Performs the MD5 algorithm on hexadecimal data

Parameters:data (str) – Hexadecimal string.
Returns str data_ret:
 the hash data.
generate_RSA_keys(exponent, key_size=1024)

RSA keys generation

  • exponent (str) – the public key exponent.
  • key_size (int) – the key size in bit (1024 by default).
Returns tuple data_ret:

the private and public key objects

build_RSA_keys(public_modulus, public_exponent, p, q, d, dmp1, dmq1, iqmp)

Build RSA keys using specific values

  • public_modulus (str) – the public key modulus.
  • public_exponent (str) – the public key exponent.
  • p (str) – the private key large_modulus
  • q (str) – the private key small_modulus
  • d (str) – The private key exponent
  • dmp1 (str) – the key component d mod (p-1)
  • dmq1 (str) – the key component d mod (q-1)
  • iqmp (str) – the key component q-1 mod p
Returns tuple data_ret:

the private and public key objects

RSA_signature(message, private_key, padding_algorithm='PKCS1', hash_algorithm='SHA1')

Performs a RSA signature on data using the padding and hash algorithm.

  • message (str) – the message to sign as hexadecimal string.
  • private_key (str) – the private key object see build_RSA_keys() or generate_RSA_keys()
  • padding_algorithm (str) – the padding to apply on data. Could be ‘PKCS1’, ‘PSS’ or ‘OEAP’
  • hash_algorithm (str) – the hash algorithm if the message you want to sign has already been hashed. Could be ‘SHA1’, ‘SHA224’, ‘SHA256’, ‘SHA384’ or ‘SHA512’
Returns str data_ret:

the signature

RSA_verify(message, signature, public_key, padding_algorithm='PKCS1', hash_algorithm='SHA1')

Performs a RSA signature verification on data using the padding and hash algorithm.

  • message (str) – the message to sign as hexadecimal string.
  • signature (str) – the signature of the message.
  • public_key (str) – the public key object see build_RSA_keys() or generate_RSA_keys()
  • padding_algorithm (str) – the padding to apply on data. Could be ‘PKCS1’, ‘PSS’ or ‘OEAP’
  • hash_algorithm (str) – the hash algorithm if the message you want to sign has already been hashed. Could be ‘SHA1’, ‘SHA224’, ‘SHA256’, ‘SHA384’ or ‘SHA512’
Returns bool data_ret:

True if the signature is verified, False otherwize

ECDSA_signature(message, private_key, hash_algorithm='SHA1')

Performs a ECDSA signature on data using hash algorithm.

  • message (str) – the message to sign as hexadecimal string.
  • private_key (str) – the private key object see build_ECDSA_keys() or generate_ECDSA_keys()
  • hash_algorithm (str) – the hash algorithm if the message you want to sign has already been hashed. Could be ‘SHA1’, ‘SHA224’, ‘SHA256’, ‘SHA384’ or ‘SHA512’
Returns str data_ret:

the signature

ECDSA_verify(message, signature, public_key, hash_algorithm='SHA1')

Performs a ECDSA signature verification on data using the hash algorithm.

  • message (str) – the message to sign as hexadecimal string.
  • signature (str) – the signature of the message.
  • public_key (str) – the public key object see build_EC_keys() or generate_EC_keys()
  • hash_algorithm (str) – the hash algorithm if the message you want to sign has already been hashed. Could be ‘SHA1’, ‘SHA224’, ‘SHA256’, ‘SHA384’ or ‘SHA512’
Returns bool data_ret:

True if the signature is verified, False otherwize

generate_ECDH_key_agreement(private_key, public_key)

Performs a ECDH key aggrement.

Returns str data_ret:

The agreed key


EC keys generation

Parameters:curve_name (str) – the name of the curve. Possible curve names:
Value Description
“nistP521r1” NIST P-521
“nistP256r1” NIST P-256
“brainpoolP192r1” Brainpool P-192 R1
“brainpoolP192t1” Brainpool P-192 T1
“brainpoolP256r1” Brainpool P-256 R1
“brainpoolP256t1” Brainpool P-256 T1
“brainpoolP384r1” Brainpool P-384 R1
“brainpoolP384t1” Brainpool P-384 T1
“brainpoolP512r1” Brainpool P-512 R1
“brainpoolP512t1” Brainpool P-512 T1
Returns tuple data_ret:
 the private and public key objects
build_EC_keys(s, x, y, curve_name='brainpoolP256r1')

Build EC keys using parameters

  • s (str) – The private value
  • x (str) – The affine x component of the public point
  • y (str) – The affine y component of the public point
  • curve_name (str) – the name of the curve. Possible curve names:
Value Description
“nistP521r1” NIST P-521
“nistP256r1” NIST P-256
“brainpoolP192r1” Brainpool P-192 R1
“brainpoolP192t1” Brainpool P-192 T1
“brainpoolP256r1” Brainpool P-256 R1
“brainpoolP256t1” Brainpool P-256 T1
“brainpoolP384r1” Brainpool P-384 R1
“brainpoolP384t1” Brainpool P-384 T1
“brainpoolP512r1” Brainpool P-512 R1
“brainpoolP512t1” Brainpool P-512 T1
Returns tuple data_ret:
 the private and public key objects